Welcome to my family tree. The research has began to take off. To the left is the navigation of the direct ancestor surnames.
This site will always be under construction. Always adding information to either the Tree or to an individual's profile. If you have any information, Date of birth, date of death, a persons full name, corrected information or anything, please e-mail me.
Just click a surname on the left to begin exploring the tree.
Found the connection on Mary (Borougliker) Dressler and her father. Have found information on the family of Dresslar/Tressler/Dressler.
Cooming soon:
Still Looking for direct proof of Martha McCollum's second husband, Henry Adam Beck.
Surnames within the site:
Aldred, Alley, Bonham, Borougliker, Brooks, Coonfield, Cooper, Curry, Davis, Dresler, Dyke, Esparza, Farnsley, Fauber, Ferrell, Goodwin, Grass, Grogan, Grooms, Gunser, Hachney, Hadley, Hall, Harrell, Harris, Harrison, Harvey, Hawk, Hawkins, Haybarger, Henderson, Hoadley, Johnson, Kelly, Kent, Mamescope, Marshall , Martin, Matheny, McCollum, Miller, Oberle, O'Brien, Oxley, Peacock, Pennington, Pittman, Plummer, Polsgrove, Rasure, Ratcliff, Rediford, Reis, Robinson, Rule, Scully, Shaner, Shuppert, Slater, Snow, Sorrell, Spring, Springer, Spurlock, Stewart, Stump, Tackett, Waggoner, Walker, Walters, Williams, YostA long and full line of Yost / Joust, that dates back to 1634
New color coded generation levels are now applied
Last updated: 04/08/2003